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Author Topic: Start of the Record.  (Read 1821 times)

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Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2019, 05:52:40 am »
When she had disappeared into her wardrobe, Shoxan had missed the opportunity to witness the approval in the man's features as his eyes scanned her room and hovered over the walls of books all placed in alphabetical order, however, the glow in his orbs were imminent when she walked out again and he looked at her, with such a warmth that it relaxed her entire form, and she found herself pleased at the fact they shared a common pastime; reading was everything to the young princess. She enjoyed it so much that her family came down on her sometimes, especially her father. He didn’t understand why anyone would enjoy reading, let alone someone of her kind, who had a million other responsibilities she should be taking care of, but instead, chose to lock herself in her room, and willingly read.

“It takes years to write, sometimes months, it really depends on the different authors,” she walks over to the door, and locks it, just as two guards make their way up the corridor, their swords clanking against their metal armor. His second question bought a puzzled look to sit on her face, her plump lips turning into a slight pout as she thinks, being careful not to think out loud, afraid she might sound stupid. It dawned on her then, that this man obviously didn’t adhere to tradition, and he probably only had the clothes he was currently wearing. He didn’t have a bag, though she assumed he didn’t need one; the journal came and went as he pleased, maybe his clothes did the same.

“Well. . . I mean, you don’t have to, it’s just customary to do so,”
she pauses for a moment, “we’ve been outside and the clothes we had on are probably dirty, and smell a certain way, you know?”

"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2019, 05:20:41 am »
For the first time since meeting the young princess, Riain's thoughts were fully taken away from her. The room he now found himself in was not only magnificent, but filled to the brim with books. The on thing in the universe he had been intimately familiar with had been books, He had thought it would be prudent for Riain to understand them as he had one with him at all times in the form of his journal. Even Shoxan's response to the teleportation and her disappearance did not register in his mind. His fingers gently brush along the spines of the books within his reach, mental clicks going off rapidly as pictures were added to the journal.

"So many lives within a single room, how many hours did it take for each manuscript to be completed?" His words are soft even without knowing that he is currently alone in the room. Countless lifetimes were being represented in the thousands of books that dominated the princess's room. Riain couldn't help but be in awe as he knew most of the authors would have spent years writing.

He slowly shakes his head, clearing it of the musings regarding the books and their creators. As his mind once more became engaged with the present he turns towards the sound of light footsteps. As he had not seen where the princess had wandered off to concern consumed him for a moment. She had told him that if he was discovered with her she would end up in a fair amount of trouble. This concern was soon proven to be unfounded as Shoxan herself walked into the room. As relief took over the concern, combined with a rush of warmth at her return, a smile formed upon his lips.

At her words his head inevitably tipped to the side, a habit beginning to take form. He hadn't even considered that a change of attire would be needed for sleep. "Is there any reason I should change clothing?"

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #26 on: January 11, 2018, 05:36:48 pm »
At first, she struggled to understand why instead of holding his hands out to hoist her up, he instead let his hand lay flat on her shoulder, but before she could even delve into her mind and question it, they were standing in the middle of her room.

“Okay,” a light laugh fills the large room, “it seems I’ll never get used to that.”

The room’s structure was unlike anything in else in the castle, because it was round, as opposed to square. Three of her walls were filled from top to bottom with books, the shelves fixed into the wall so seamlessly it seemed as if it were part of the architecture, deliberately put there but not to read, they looked too beautiful to pull out. The last wall held little trinkets she had been collecting, from glass bottles with glass ships in them, to mechanical watches, all fixed into the wall also, as opposed to the shelves poking out.

She watches him for a moment, knowing all too well he wanted to record everything in his journal. Shoxan couldn’t bring herself to imagine what it felt like to be born into a world and to see everything for the first time. To not know what a castle is, not having felt a ship cascading through waves of water, not having smelt the hint of salt in the sea.

Leaving him for a moment she makes her way into her closet, completely separate from her room, though it didn’t have a door. She walks through the ‘S’ shaped corridor, slipping into her dusty pink nightdress, and throwing a silk robe over it, the same colour as the dress. Joining him again, she looks around, feeling awfully small in this wide space. Had her room always been so big?

“I’m sorry,” she signals towards his clothes with a wave of her hand, “I don’t have anything for you to wear, but I could go find something if you’d like?”
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2018, 09:38:44 pm »
His eyes slipped away from hers to gaze at the tiny life form caught between them, it's tiny wings beating rapidly to keep it hovering while it's abdomen pulsated with a soft glow. Despite his interest in finding out more about the little creature he was opposed to breaking the comfortable silence that wrapped around them. For a reason he couldn't understand the peace of the night while in her company was enjoyable. Since he wasn't willing to ask her about the critter he settled for taking mental photos of it, knowing he could show her the journal entry at a later point and identify it then.

Shifting his entire focus onto her once more he frowned in displeasure as he realized the darkness had grown enough to partially obscure her features. In an effort to negate this effect to a degree he closed the distance between them, their faces less than six inches apart now.  Before he has time to fully appreciate seeing her completely again her hand grabbed onto his as she announced where she intended him to sleep. The implication that went along with her words went completely over his head, which lead him once more to confusion when he took note that the soft red tone of her cheeks had returned.

As the trees surrounding them created an even deeper darkness, to the point that she became the only thing he could remotely see. Despite her warning of the dangers that could lie in wait he felt no fear, one of the emotions He had made sure Riain was intimately familiar with. All he could feel was the warm feeling emanating from their connected hands.

With the sudden return of light, he took in the massive structure that rose above them, towering above even the trees themselves. Her words echoed dully in his mind for the first time as he was focused too intently on the building. He couldn't even summon the ability to take pictures of it. Riain didn't come back to his senses until she was pulling him to the side of the structure.

Upon reaching their destination he let his eyes wander up towards the open window before nodding his head in agreement with her request.

"Of course Shoxan." He placed one of his hands gently on her shoulder before closing his eyes. In an instant they moved from their previous position to the inside of her room.

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2018, 07:50:41 pm »
The silence around them was complete - no voices from the civilians, nor from the animals. In the space between them, albeit it was no more than a foot, a trapped firefly abandoned its struggles to escape, beating his wings and letting the air carry him up and down, up and down. She thought now that she should take more care of her appearance, her small hands delicately pushing down the fabric of her dress, before peeking up at him innocently smiling brightly to find that he agreed with her choice for a name, actually it seemed that he loved it. The silence hissed in her ears as darkness began to fall on them, her shoulders beginning to shiver, having lost track of time completely, and only now realising how chilly the night was.

At his next question, the pink blush begins to resurface on her cheeks, counteracting the chill, enough to keep her warm for now. She takes his hand gently before tugging at it, beginning to walk into the woods, and back towards the castle. “We’ll sleep in my room of course,” her eyes wander over to him, eyebrows lifted as she tries to justify it, “you can’t possibly sleep out here, it’s dangerous” why did she care for this man so? Their encounter was brief, but she couldn’t control the way she felt for him, she wanted to stay curled up in the warmth he brought her, “God knows what lays in these woods.”

It seemed her decision was final. The further they crept into the woods, the darker it became until she could barely see his outline. Though the princess would never admit, she did fear the dark a little, and it was evident in the way she tightened her hold on his hand, not even realising what she was doing. Her knees shook a little and they walked for some time before finally, the candles lit in and around the castle shed some light upon them.

“Here we are,” she breathes out, seemingly in relief, “they can’t know you’re here with me, I’d get into a lot of trouble, okay?” She makes her way to her room, though she doesn’t enter the castle, taking her earlier route. It brings them to the side of the castle, looking up at her window, and then back to the man standing next to her, finally letting go of his hand.

“Help me up?”

It was such an innocent question, spoken so softly, she could barely hear her own voice, eyes sparkling as she looked up at him.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 09:03:14 pm by Shoxan❥ »
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2018, 07:22:49 pm »
While his companion fell into thought, The Recorder turned his gaze towards the heavens. Thousands of lights flickered and danced in the air, each one a magnificent star. He hadn't been able to give it much thought earlier, too engaged with his present company, but there was something different out there. His creator had returned to this universe despite claiming he never would. He couldn't possibly hope to understand His mind, but it was a point of curiosity regardless.

His eyes returned to Shoxan as she shifted her position, the slight action more than enough to pull him from thoughts of his Creator. The continued rotation of the planet they were on caused the light to diminish further, soon it would be difficult to see her properly. A frown creased his lips for a heartbeat at this before he repressed it.

"Riain." The name fell naturally from his lips almost as if it had always been his. While the prior frown had been slight the smile that he now wore was brilliant. "It is perfect. I am Riain."

Everything about him felt lighter as if he had been weighed down by remaining nameless. He took just a moment to revel in this sensation before focusing once more on the present. "With my naming, the only thing that remains to solve is where you believe I should sleep."

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2018, 06:49:24 pm »
It was bizarre, how mundanely he spoke of her journal entry as if to say it was completely normal to snap pictures of her and put it in the book, with no consent given on her end, though it didn’t bother her in the slightest; she actually enjoyed the memories they were creating together, this little stumble into his life presented a sense of fun to hers, fun she hadn’t been witness to in a while. She steps back slightly, letting the heel of her foot sink into the mud beneath them, before tilting her head, her forehead creasing as she begins to think of a name for him.

What a weird tradition, their names are given to them by complete strangers.

You’ll sleep with me, of course.

“I think Riain, what do you think?”

Her eyes burn into his, raising her brows as if she couldn’t wait to hear what he thought, to see if he liked it, to see if he would even accept it. It did cross her mind that because of his limited time with humans, he wouldn’t even need to give it much thought, but it did mean a great deal to her what his opinion was, and it showed in her excited expression, unable to hold herself back. 
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2017, 05:14:16 am »
He continued to watch her with interest as it seemed she changed with every moment. Not in a literal physical sense, she was clearly retaining her form and was most certainly still the woman he had been interacting with. No the changes were subtle, eyes growing brighter deep within despite the receding light, chest stilled as her breathe remained inside, the previously soft rosy tint of her cheeks darkening further. It was exquisite, he had of course seen Him change form many a time but nothing was as moving or slight as what he was currently privy too.

Once more he is drawn away from his thoughts when her lips part, her words flowing from them softer than he had ever heard her speak before. It was a sweet sound, unlike anything that came before. Fortunately he did not have to strain himself to hear, their close proximity eliminated any risk of either missing a single word.

When she moved close to him, clearly mimicking his earlier action to clarify her question, he didn't so much as flinch. Instead his head tilted to the side with curiosity shimmering within his gaze. "The same thing I have been doing since we met. Observing. And adding pictures to your journal entry, though I do not know how many." He spoke just as quietly as her, his breathe once more dancing along her skin.

As she continued to speak the curiosity in his eyes slowly shifted to puzzlement, unsure how to react to either thing brought up by his companion. After a few heartbeats he finally spoke. "Where else would I sleep? This is the only location I have been to besides the war, which I do not think you would approve of anymore than here. And what should I be named? It isn't a question I gave any thought to before this moment. He only had a title until he was named by another. I figured it would be appropriate I do the same."

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2016, 06:09:29 pm »
With no regards for personal space and the woman strongly believed he didn’t even care for it much, his eyes were dancing along the curvature of her jaw, causing the blush on her cheeks to darken. Though he hadn’t noticed, as he begins observing her every feature until his eyes rest on hers finally, his lips are only a mere inch away, she could feel his breath tickle her skin, her eyes instinctively following in the direction of his chest, to watch it rise and fall slowly.

The whole time, no words were exchanged and if he hadn’t spoken, she wouldn’t have become aware of the fact she had held her breath, releasing it in a sharp exhale.

God, he’s so extraordinary.

There is a moment, it seemed, a little span of seconds when he was in such close proximity to her, in which she is simply and passionately content. It showed in her twinkling eyes, as well as the radiance, which, even without the presence of the sun, would still be there, lingering on her bright cheeks.

“I don’t know,” she murmurs, whispering softly as if speaking in her normal register would break this moment, so delicate she had to tread around it carefully, “what were you doing just now?” She mimics his earlier actions, leaning forward so they are once more mere inches apart, and there it was again; one, single heart palpitation.

“You can’t possibly think of sleeping here, Re-” it just didn’t feel right to call him Recorder anymore, not after the intimate moment they had just shared, void of actual intimate actions but they didn’t need such things when their eyes spoke to each other, in a language they both seemed to understand, “and we can’t keep calling you Recorder, you need an actual name.”
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 07:40:49 pm by Danielle Le'mont »
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2016, 05:25:28 pm »
He tilts his head slightly as he looks down at the woman before him, watching how the fading light of the nearest star highlighted certain aspects of her facial structure. Without any thought towards how it may appear to her, The Recorder leans in closer to the princess, eyes dancing along her face following the curve of her jaw. Soon enough his gaze is drawn to her cheekbones, the most prominent feature that the dimming light brought into vivid detail. The entire time he feels little clicks in the back of his mind, dozens of pictures linking with her journal entry. Finally his roaming eyes come to rest upon her own, noting the shift in color due to the changing light.

'Simply fascinating. While retaining her appearance the quality of light has the ability to make her look both herself and someone new. What wonders this world holds to explore.'

His inner monologue is interrupted by a new development, coming in the form of her cheeks changing in hue. Lifting his free hand he places it lightly on one side of her face, head tilting in the other direction now.

"Why have your cheeks changed color Shoxan? They seem to be a hue of red. Somewhere between red and pink certainly."

Unfortunately he finds that he will have to wait for his answer to this question as she is in the process of answering his previous one. His head remains at an angle as she seems to answer his question with one of her own, clearly unsure in it. After a moment of thought he slowly shakes his head.

"I do not believe so. I was not aware that you had started to cry again, all I knew was that you were leaning against me. Are there other causes?"

With her final question he pauses for a moment, trying to determine if he is in fact tired. Arms felt heavier to lift, more difficult to remain in proper posture, desire to close eyes, yes he had all of the symptoms.

"It appears that I am tired. This clearing will suffice for when I decide to slumber."

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2016, 04:52:14 pm »
The smile that adorned his lips captivated her, simply put, he was breathtaking, but everything else about him, putting aside his good looks, also drew her in - she was Icarus flying too close to the sun with no apparent fear of getting burnt. Shoxan was too involved now though, she couldn’t simply turn back and forget about meeting him, or forget how she too, felt the warmth he talked about but was too much of a coward to face it head on - the simple truth scared her.

She had come to find over the few years, that reading people in passing came naturally to her, it was second nature; there were the rich, sitting on their thrones and drinking the most expensive luxurious wine, the poor who were miserable and rightly spiteful, and then there she was, watching the sunlight in the haze, though there wasn’t much of it left to look at. The light it cast accentuated her high cheekbones and darkened her otherwise bright green eyes to a light brown, painted with specks of gold.

His next question caused her cheeks to redden a little, and she immediately looks away, bashful and so aware of the temperature, tugging at her neckline in an attempt to prevent her cheeks from heating up.

“I-I,” she stutters, nibbling on the inside of her cheek, a habit she couldn’t give up when she felt shy, “usually when someone cries, people try to console them - they can do that with words, or a gesture, like putting an arm around someone?”

The intonation in her voice proved she wasn’t confident in the answer she was giving, but this feeling in her stomach was so foreign to her, she almost wanted the dirt beneath to swallow her whole. Very dimly, in the falling dusk, she could make out two birds, flying past each other, and uses that as a distraction to tame the blush getting darker on her cheeks.

“Aren’t you tired?”

Another weak attempt to divert his attention.

But I don’t want to divert his attention.
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2016, 12:25:28 pm »
The moment he sees her lips spread into a smile he feels the warmth from before wash over him, though it was a fair bit stronger this time. Rather than the gentle warmth from his first experience this time it was closer to actual heat, stemming from the hand that holds hers. As always he recalls the lessons He gave him regarding emotion, however he could not identify it, not yet at least. Before he is able to give it any more thought he is brought back to the present when she leans against him, the new connection causing another stream of heat to emerge from the additional points of contact.

He is overcome with a new urge he doesn't understand, the simple desire to wrap an arm around her. Of course he does not act upon it, instead his face takes upon a look of confusion though she is unable to see it given that her gaze is currently not on him. To feel so many unexpected and confusing sensations in such a short amount of time causes his mind to go into a brief daze. Despite all of the preparation He had given him it clearly was not enough, he could not comprehend the new urge in any form.

His mind briefly returns to him, long enough to see the smile she offers him before her attention shifts elsewhere while she remains close to him. The moment her vivid gaze breaks he dives back into his thoughts, trying to find some way to understand. It is a futile exercise, leaving him no closer to any answer than he had been just a few seconds ago. Rather than continue to question it he stores the thought away for the time being, making sure to keep it close enough that he can recall it later to ask about it.

Once more he returns to the present, just in time to feel a tugging on his hand. Dropping his gaze he sees her sitting down, her hand still held within his own. Without waiting for her to ask he lowers himself to sit before her, moving slightly to the side so he does not obstruct her view of the water and what lay beyond. When she finally speaks once more he does not resist the urge to let his lips curve upward into his first smile, he understood why this time so he has no reason to hold it in.

"Apparently hearing that is enough to make me happy as well. Interesting." His voice fades away for a moment before he recalls his earlier question, eyes turning inquisitive. "A moment ago, when you were leaning against me, I had the urge to wrap my arm around you. Do you know why? Because I do not."

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2016, 09:43:07 am »
Shoxan was a simple being in the sense that she didn’t need much to be happy - little things like blue birds and sunsets caused some satisfaction and so it didn’t come as a surprise when his words brought a smile to her otherwise relaxed visage. Why then, when he took her hand in his so gently, did she feel her composed form begin to crumble; first, she allowed her mouth to relax, to tremble, then tears rolled down, and leaning into him a little, she shielded her face from what she knew would be peaked curiosity - after all, it took him a while to understand something as undemanding as a kingdom, surely, the complexity of this situation would baffle him, as it baffled her.

She didn’t know why she was crying, only that she was and so for a while, she stayed still, squeezing his hand every so often and when her eyes began to dry and there were no more tears left, she lifted her chin, looking up at him with that same smile.

Sometimes, the woodland and wildlife surrounding the castle are like the outlines of a painting drawn in the mist; sometimes the river is an opulent purple, and sometimes sparkling indigo, but it is always worthwhile to just sit down and look at it. She is easily distracted by an iridescent patch in the water, unable to keep her gaze from following it until it drowned into the horizon. There was beauty all over the world and the more she gazed at the canvas before her, the more she wanted to experience everything this planet had to offer.

There was an air around him, that of which only befit royalty but he was more than that. This man was a miracle, not a human like her, but also not a god, though his existence itself made it difficult to deny a God. When he had finished speaking, she didn’t shut her face away from him, as much as to say ‘you’ll never understand everything’. His inquisitive nature actually made it impossible to do that, so instead, she nods in response, hoping the simple gesture was enough, and that he wouldn’t assume that the absence of words necessarily meant she didn’t want to speak - just that in the moment, she couldn’t. It got darker and darker, and she could feel herself beginning to tire so she sits, tugging his hand absentmindedly, in the process.

“It makes me happy,” of course now, she was referring back to what he had said earlier, “to know that I was the first that made you happy.”
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 10:11:28 am by Shoxan❥ »
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2016, 08:46:01 pm »
His face took a contemplative look as she explained about the liquid, tears as she had called them, and then questioned his own experience with two emotions. A moment of pondering later his lips finally part, though he was unsure if his answer would be exactly what she wanted. "I have yet to experience sadness. I know the symptoms well enough, He thought it was wise I know the various emotions so I would understand what I was feeling, but on my short time here I haven't found anything to provoke that response."

He lets his voice fade away for a time, trying to recall the exact feeling he had experienced when she had placed her hand in his the first time. The warmth while apparent had not been overbearing as it would have had it been a related emotion. Satisfied that he had in fact felt happiness he reached down and took one of her hands in his own before speaking again.

"For a reason yet unknown to me I have only experienced happiness once. It was not long ago, when you placed your hand in mine before we teleported. Such a simple action should not have provoked that emotionally response but it did." His voice softened towards the end, lifting in a curious manner as if trying to unravel the cause.

Suddenly his thoughts shifted direction, recalling that she had corrected his definition of kingdoms again bringing them back to what they initially were. Forgetting to release her hand he focused his eyes upon hers. "To try and prevent further mix ups in this regard I would like you to correct me if any of my knowledge about Kingdoms and related subjects are incorrect. Kingdoms are parcels of land that are ruled by Kings. When a King and Queen, the female equivalent of King, have a female offspring they are known as a Princess. Is that all correct?"

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #14 on: November 09, 2016, 05:50:54 am »
It brought her some sense of happiness, how naive he was to certain things, his words brushing away the images in her mind, so rather than focusing on them, she focused on him, his mind, how it worked - how a being could be so powerful and so clueless all the same. His very presence chilled her, though it also put her in a state of physical ease, she was the calm before the storm, standing at his side.

“Those men. .” she struggles for a moment, trying to reiterate his misunderstanding, “are the leaders of kingdoms. A Kingdom is a territory. it’s a piece of land ruled by someone, my father isn’t the Kingdom, a man cannot be a Kingdom.”

He is easily distracted from the Kingdom talk, by her tears and as he points it out, she wipes them away aggressively, her cheek turning a bright red under her touch. He was like an infant, experiencing everything for the first time, asking so many things, disregarding her emotions but she knew it wasn’t deliberate. Maybe he couldn’t fathom emotions yet, maybe he had never experienced any emotion, that thought alone thrilled her, for a reason she couldn’t put her hand on.

“These are tears, people often cry when they’re sad. . or happy, it depends on the occasion really. Have you ever been sad? Or happy?”
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 10:08:01 am by Shoxan❥ »
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #13 on: October 06, 2016, 04:53:15 pm »
His eyes darted around the battlefield, taking in the destruction and death that ran rampant all across it. Those were two terms he knew very well, He had made sure to teach the Recorder all about them given His love of the two during His long ago youth. Still it was an entirely different experience to actually witness the two terms in actual action. While observing the scene before him he felt a slight click within his mind, and suddenly felt a new connection to his book. A new power had emerged from the intense sights, as he saw all of the images he was seeing being recorded in the journal. He allowed himself a moment to consider the new power before returning his attention back to the world in front of him.

He could not consider it for very long however as he registered the fact that Shoxan was gripping his hand tighter and was beginning to answer his questions. Even as he paid attention to her words the journal flashed back into his mind, showing him that a picture of her had been added to it. The vision faded as quickly as it can and having already adjusted to his ability he didn't miss a word she had said. Her words confused him however, leading him to believe that he had misunderstood her previously when she mentioned kingdoms. "A test of strength, interesting. These kingdoms are curious beings, striking against one another to prove their superiority."

His voice drifted away as he contemplated the new information, memorizing it for when he would create the entry within his book. His thoughts are interrupted by Shoxan once more, though this time not from her voice. Rather he noticed the liquid that began to trickle down her cheek, one eyebrow raised as he began to form a question. This too is cut short by both her pointing out her father, who he glances at to ensure his new power captures an image of, and then by her asking, no something more than asking not that he could tell what, him to get her out.

Without hesitation he placed the hand that she had been holding onto her shoulder and the moment he makes contact they are back within the clearing they had started in. His hand did not remain on her shoulder for long as he lifted it to swipe away the liquid from her cheek with his finger, staring down at it inquisitively. "What is this? It seems remarkably similar to the liquid over there. Why is it coming from your eyes?"

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2016, 05:01:56 pm »
The moment her small feet dug into the soil beneath her, she clung his hand tighter, brows furrowed as she looked out at the gory sight, her line of vision blurred by the tears that had gathered in her emerald gaze. It didn’t help how monotone the man next to her was being either, no fear, no worry in his tone, just curiosity but he wasn’t to blame for that, more so, his lack of understanding of certain things. The recorder’s adventures need to be built upon one another, and though the feeling wasn’t concrete in her consciousness, she wanted to be the one to see everything with him, and to explain what they were.

Slowly turning away from the war, and her father beating into the crushed skull of a poor, innocent man, she looks up at him, ignoring a tear that slid down her cheek, to explain, in a very soft, but grief-stricken tone, “this is war, when a kingdom wants to prove their strength, they fight another kingdom, the winner is respected among his people, and looked up to.”

She looks over at her father, letting go of the recorder’s hand finally, to point at the considerably large man, “that’s my father,” the beating hadn’t stopped, the victim had however, this time it was a limp man, with a scruffy, bloody beard, half of his teeth knocked out. As her father raises his arm to punch the -dead- man once more, she winces and closes her eyes, turning back to the recorded sharply, “get me out of here, get me out.”
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 10:06:09 am by Shoxan❥ »
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2016, 07:23:39 pm »
A strange sensation trickled through him as she placed her slender hand within his own. Knowing it would take a moment for her to decide upon their destination he focused his thoughts on the unidentified emotion. It was warm, but not in an overwhelming manner but rather a gentle warmth. He could feel the urge to let his lips curve upwards, something he had never even considered doing prior. He connected these with other smaller symptoms along with the lessons He had given him so long ago. It took a moment but he eventually reached a conclusion. He was happy she had taken his hand, accepted his offer. Such a strange thing.

His personal thoughts were interrupted shortly after he realized what he had felt as Shoxan decided where and when they would go. He couldn't hear her exact thoughts, but he could see where it was she desired and focused so intently on. His fingers wrapped around the hand she had placed in his and he tuned his thoughts to fall in line with the vision that was at the front of her mind.

There was no sensation of displacement, at least not physically. The moment his thoughts aligned with hers they were no longer surrounded by the peaceful clearing. Instead they were to the side of the battle she had been imagining, the air filling with equal amounts of battle cries and the screams of the wounded. He released her hand and turned his gaze upon the scene before him, his book appearing in his hand.

"Shoxan what am I seeing? What are they doing this? Why?" While the words themselves spoken by another may have hinted at concern, his voice caused his questions to be completely curious in nature. Wanting to understand what was before him.

Offline Cecile❥

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2016, 01:23:40 pm »
Inclined to reserve all premature judgements of the situation, as it had become a habit of the brunettes to do so, she simply tilts her head back, to listen, and ignore every fibre in her being telling her to run for the hills and not look back. The man teleported, seemingly at will, had a book that can disappear into thin air, and was now inviting her to go on a quest of some sort, anywhere she wanted to go. Could she trust him? The voices in her head screamed no, but the small delicate hand that reached up to slip into his denied her mind the pleasure of listening to it. It was as if her body had a mind of its own in that moment, more than that however, it was her hunger, to see something she hadn’t seen before. 

She closed her eyes, standing beside him, and tries to think about what she wanted to see, and it dawned on her, that it was war she wanted to see. Not just any war, however, one of her father’s trials and wins, she had heard many stories in the castle - maybe this was her way of validating them. Though Shoxan was foreign to war, she thought about it, as intently as she could, conjuring the thought in her mind, and trying to focus on it, everything else surrounding it becoming a blur.

She keeps her eyes closed, waiting, doubtful that it was even possible, even though the man had shown her what he was capable of just minutes ago.
"Çi dil hizir deket, dem xeber dedet"

"You reek of romance and good intentions"

Offline The Recorder

Re: Start of the Record.
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2016, 12:01:02 pm »
The sombre atmosphere seemed to have little to no effect on the man, as he simply stared at Shoxan in a reflective manner. In reality he was trying to conjure up the lessons that He had taught him about etiquette but he quickly discovered that they had never discussed that particular subject. With this realization his eyebrows turned down slightly at the corners as a brief flash of red bloomed within his mind. He couldn’t understand why He would have left him without such a valuable piece of information, however after a moment of thought he realized that He would want him to learn how to interact with people in his own manner. The red inside of his head slowly burned itself out and he was left staring at the woman.

The silence following her words did not last long, as he decided to follow a strange sensation that came from some basic instinct. “There are many ways in which we differ, this I cannot deny, however in this regard I must say you are incorrect. You have just listed the shackles that you have made for yourself. Your...parents? Yes that was the word, your parents have not physically bound you to this place but you allow force yourself to by saying it is your destiny.”

His voice drifted away toward the end of his speech, and once more a contemplative look appeared upon his face. For a small moment in time he felt as though he possessed His abilities, for he could easily read Shoxan’s thoughts through her expression. Slowly he rose from his kneeling position and took to looking around the small clearing as he attempted to decipher why he had the urge to show her that she could break her bonds, even if only temporarily.

He gave up on that endeavor soon after taking it on, he was not properly equipped to figure out the foreign sensation he felt. Instead he turned his focus upon the task of freeing this woman. Without a sound or movement his body appeared again on the other side of the pool of water, several feet away from the location he had just been.

“My book is far from the only thing I can make appear and disappear Shoxan.” The next words that fell from his lips came from her side once more, though there was no pause between them and the first sentence. “The only unique thing about it is that I don’t have to be holding it to do so.”

Slowly he extended his hand down towards her in invitation. “Take my hand and think intently of a place you would like to see.”


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